Saturday, May 24, 2008

Skip Lawrence and me debate for SBG in gym

I found this black and white polaroid photo. On the back of photo, I was glad I wrote down SBG debate and I lost! But I enjoyed looking to see who is in audience, and two signs in background. Look at Chuck Putvin for treasurer, and Sheryl Gardner for Sergeant at Arm banners on the wall! I can figure out few individuals in the audience by the afro hairdo like John Crouch! Easy! Chuck Putvin with all those confetti on his back! (maybe CK in between of John and CP, not sure) but others!! hmmm, a little difficult to identify.

Hey Skip, is this debate still in your brain memory bank? Because it is all fuzzy in my memory! I barely could remember but I was glad I wrote teensy weensy bit of info on back of photo!

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