Friday, May 30, 2008

our basketball team vs staff basketball team night

Now here are the photos to laugh at!!! It was the night when our CSDR basketball boys played against our CSDR staff night. The cheerleader bunch decided to go wacky! We put our wigs on. John Miranda got his boobs on and he was probably best looking cheerleader that night. I guess Dorcas was the wise one. She did not show her wacky side that night! Go and laugh yourself off as I did!!!!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Cheerleaders - 1977

During my junior year at CSDR, the cheerleader squad were Lori Fisher, Susan Parks, Sandra Thrapp, Kathy Sugiyama, Sharon Sharp and John Miranda. Those were the days when we "cheerleaders" do fun stuff outside of the games. I cherish the fond time we did!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


This is the crew that performed "Harvey". I love this program book where each actor/actress actually have their own hand-signature of their own name. What you guys remembered the most from "Harvey"?

Monday, May 26, 2008

Susan as a "Downmarker"

During my senior year, I volunteered myself as a "downmarker" during CSDR football game.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

February 1978 at 2nd California Classic in Riverside

Here is the CSDR basketball team and cheerleaders at 2nd California Classic in Riverside.

This photo is amazing where all cheerleaders feet is up in air. Someone made a score!

Someone took picture of Charles Putvin and me in back!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Skip Lawrence and me debate for SBG in gym

I found this black and white polaroid photo. On the back of photo, I was glad I wrote down SBG debate and I lost! But I enjoyed looking to see who is in audience, and two signs in background. Look at Chuck Putvin for treasurer, and Sheryl Gardner for Sergeant at Arm banners on the wall! I can figure out few individuals in the audience by the afro hairdo like John Crouch! Easy! Chuck Putvin with all those confetti on his back! (maybe CK in between of John and CP, not sure) but others!! hmmm, a little difficult to identify.

Hey Skip, is this debate still in your brain memory bank? Because it is all fuzzy in my memory! I barely could remember but I was glad I wrote teensy weensy bit of info on back of photo!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Wild, Wild West Prom - 1974

This is cool photos! Charles Katz and I were acting our characters in the saloon in Wild West for class of 1974 prom. Ethan Bernstein was the piano guy. I didn't realized I was taller than Charles! I think that was Jan Simpson on table next to Charles.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Halloween Parade

Antonia Torres, Nadia Carrllo, Susan Parks, Richard Naperala, Jeff Wyatt (ahh..he is picking his nose!) and Ken Clark

1968 Spanish dance in Lower School

I found this picture in 1968. We must be doing a Spanish dance for Lower School. I am having hard time trying to identify each student in the picture. I used 1968 yearbook to match some faces to get names. For those head tilted away from sun and if you know who they are, feel free to post in comment site! 

Back row: Richard Naperala??, Carolyn Swink, ???, Susan Parks, Shirley Cretty, ????, Sheryl Gardner
Front row: ?????, Nadia Carrillo, Vicki Reinert, Carol Cole, Leona Roberson????, Guy Gomez, Teresa DiMabro.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

CSDR Cheerleaders during 1978

Here are the photos of the cheerleaders during the senior year! I see Dorcas, Charles, Sharon and myself as the seniors in this cheerleading bunch!

Monday, May 19, 2008

John Crouch in newspaper article

I found newspaper clipping from Press Enterprises of John Crouch playing in basketball in California Classic. Colorado won 64-60.

Debby Short in Rathskellar - Gallaudet University

This must be late 1978 or early 1979 when Debby Short flew out to east coast to visit her dad in Falls Church, VA. She stopped by to visit me at Rathskellar on Gallaudet Campus. I had my hair perm curls like a poodle dog!  

Update status: Debby Short emailed me and she said that was the time she could not eat in cafeteria because she was not a student. Val and I took her to Rathskellar so she could eat and I guess we both were drinking beers! 

Friday, May 9, 2008

King Charles & Queen Lori - Mid-Winter Ball 1978

                           Campus King Charles Katz and Queen Lori Jones -  Mid-Winter Ball 

  Here is Dr. Lennon crowning Lori. Guy Gomez and Kathy Wiberg watching behind. I see Val Zimmer helping Dr. Lennon.

Princess Susan and Prince Greg McDaniels

More pixs of "One Mad Night"

 All I can remember that I acted as "Priscilla", a crazy woman who loves to knit. I must have a small role, I barely could remember this performance.

   One Mad Night Drama crew, find yourself in there!

 Funny, I think it is this performance where Sharon and I used a tape recorder to tape the sound of toilet flushing. Did we play that tape, so Todd Rutherford, the only hearing person get pranked?  Sharon, help me out...

Skip Lawrence and Me!

Skip Lawrence and I was voted most "School Spirit" in our senior year book. Yeah, go, cubs, go!!! 

                                          Go, CSDR cubs! 

Monday, May 5, 2008

Olvera Street - Los Angeles

I found two pictures of our field trip to Olvera Street, Los Angeles. I guess we get to see Mexican fiesta! Any one of you remember this field trip?

Val Zimmer, Don Langdon and John Crouch looking at Mexican Wooden Cross. I remembered all those Mexican bazaar shops! 

Rex Nelson, John Crouch, Charles Katz and Cynthia Sadoski eating lunch by the statue at Olvera Street.

John Crouch and Val Zimmer on prom date!

Here is the snapshot I took of John Crouch with his date, Val Zimmer to prom. If you can see Ron W. walks behind them!  It must be in 1976 prom. Please post if you know what is the theme of that prom!  I would like to know!!!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Prices and Fads in 1978

I googled and I found some interesting facts about 1978!


House - $64,370.00
Car - $4,645.00
Milk - $1.44
Gas - $.65
Bread - $.33
Postage Stamp - $.15
Average Income - $10,671.00


Mood Rings
Silly Putty
Chia pets
Smiley faces
Lava lamps
pet rocks
Atari 2600
String arts
Earth shoes
Dorothy Hamill's hairdo style

hmm...I remembered people started the craze of taking off clothes and run across the field at sporting events, I never seen a streaking event at CSDR! How comes you guys didn't streak at CSDR sporting event? I would cheer you on! just kidding!

Courtsey photo from Val Zimmer

Here is the Shasta 3 freshmen girls' dorm life of Val Zimmer! 

Courtsey photo from Val Zimmer

This photo must be taken at CSD-Berkeley. 

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Courtsey photo from Val Zimmer

Here is a photo from Val Zimmer from performance "One Mad Night".  Anyone cares to make a comment what you remember about this performance?

Friday, May 2, 2008

Hey all...if you have some old high school pictures that you want to share online...but you do not have blog...scan the picture in .jpg or .gif format and email to me at I can upload your attachment and post on my blog with your credit....The more pictures I post, it shares, it create some kind of great memories.... It is all up to you!  Dig into your boxes, scan it and I'll upload it...Sorry I wasn't much of a photographer at CSDR!  Email me if you can!
