Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Junior year!

I found this one in 1977. I have no idea why this picture was taken for! Was it for drama? 

Back Row: Charles Putvin, Skipper Lawrence, Guy Gomez, Charles Katz
Front Row: Cynthia Sadoski, Sharon Sharp, Susan Parks, Kathy Wiberg


Susan Parks! said...

I keep seeing Skip Lawrence...It must be the drama crew set...Is this for "One Mad Night" performance? Kathy Wiberg...were you in it? I have a fuzzy memory on this performance!!! Any one cares to add comment?

BlkSilent said...

Allo ... If you're referring this group of "One Mad Night" in the photo, Guy Gomez wasn't in our drama crew until little later. Oh, man! that's very good question so then I flunked out from memory bank. Still on my memory jogging into somewhere, it may come back to me later ...:)! Skip

Susan Parks! said...

Hello Skip, long time! no hear from yoooouuu! I found more "One Mad Night" pictures, so I will probably post them this weekend. so come back and look at it! How are you!!!!

BlkSilent said...

Ah! Susan, how am I? Let see ... Umm, I'm doing good as far as my health is been excellent! I have been teaching youth/college group at Orange County Worship Deaf Center in Santa Ana for about 5 or 6 yrs now. It's always challenging experience for me to interact with their vivid perspective towards life.

Caputvin said...

I kept staring at the group picture.I really missed our wonderful years at CSDR!! To answer Susan's question.... I wasn't in "One Mad Night"... Perhaps "Saturday Morning Live" or "The Spiral Staircase" or "Harvey".. Yea we all were in drama together. ILY